Sunday 23 October 2011

Introducing Baby Wells

We're having a baby! I thought this time would never come where I could actually write this or even say it! It's weird once you decide to have a baby you want it right then and now, where the fact of the matter is it will happen when it happens!

After reading up on how to fall pregnant I quickly worked out that making a baby is more complicated then i originally thought! I was under the illusion that  you do the deed and you fall pregnant......hmmmm......NO that is not the case and I’m bemused by all these girls that happen to have an oppsie baby - they must just be really unlucky!

After copious amounts of research and reading I finally had all the facts on the right time to make a baby and voila it happened much to Keegan and mine's surprise! It’s the weirdest feeling after peeing on the stick and seeing the two lines appear! We just looked at each other and thought "crap what do we do now!?"

We went and saw the Dr last week and got to see baby wells little heart beating away! Originally we thought I was 6 and a half weeks pregnant but by Dr's measurements I was 8 weeks pregnant! I was very happy to hear that as it meant we could tell family now! We thought 6 weeks was a bit to early to start blabbing about it but 8 weeks sounded a lot better and after seeing that everything was ok it was time to tell family! Keeping a secret like this was killing me inside! I can’t even keep a secret of what I got someone for Christmas let alone a secret this BIG!

Apparently that fuzzy dot is a baby in the making! It doesn’t look like much now - so I’m hanging out for my 12 week scan where things will become more interesting!

How far along? 8 and a half weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 3.5kg weight gain…..ooops I don’t think you are meant to start gaining weight yet – I think I need to slow down on the eating front!
Maternity clothes? Nope – just wearing nice and baggy clothing!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: What’s sleep??.I guess all this broken sleep from pee trips is good practise for when baby wells arrives!
Best moment this week: Seeing baby  wells little heart beating and hearing that all is healthy and good!
Miss Anything? Nothing yet although I did have my first sober parting experience on the weekend and would of loved to have joined in on the drinking fun!
Movement: Nothing
Food cravings: Nothing really, I seem to eat anything I can get my hands on!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smell of meatloaft Keegan was cooking the other night…..blaaa it smelt foul!
Have you started to show yet: I would like to say yes but all I have started to show  is some fat from all the pigging out I’ve been doing lately – Can we just pretend it’s baby weight??
Gender: It’s a Mystery
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I’d like to think happy but Keegan might disagree with that one. Mostly happy with bursts of tantrums over really stupid things!
Looking forward to:  Telling more people, looking at all things baby and my 12 week scan!